Formation of Railway Structures in Ankara


Transportation buildings from the past to the present have played a strong role among the public buildings that constitute the urban identity. In addition to the roles of stations in the transportation network, their place and importance in urban life and architectural memory have been used by the state authority as an ideological, sometimes cultural, and sometimes an economic tool or symbol. In this context, the story of the development and change process of Ankara Train Station has a unique place among similar buildings. It is important to consider the formation and change process of buildings that assume such important roles in history. The development of the railway in other parts of the world and in the Ottoman Empire, as a part of the Istanbul-Ankara railway line, the process of obtaining the first station building in Ankara in the 19th century. The change that occurred with the proclamation of the Republic and the role this situation attributed to architecture were discussed. The place and importance of the station in this conjuncture and the process of building a new and modern station in Ankara afterwards were conveyed. Ankara Train Station and the values that correspond to the historical process and improvements to the quality to win one of the symbols of the young Republic of Turkey were discussed. The years when the railway was in the background and the removal process of this situation by the High Speed Rail way movement was investigated. In this context, the construction process of Ankara High Speed Train Station, the relationship of the building with the city and the existing Ankara Station were discussed.