A Study on the Concept of Accessible University: Evaluatıon of the University Spaces in Accessibility and Universal Design
Due to factors such as heredity, disease or age, the availability and accessibility of the physical environment varies from person to person. A new design approach is needed for all people to use the physical environment in the best way. In order for the space design to be suitable for everyone's use, it must be accessible and universal. An accessible and universally designed educational building offers everyone the opportunity to receive equal education and a good social quality of life. In this way, everyone is allowed to experience the buildings without barriers. Within the scope of the article, there is a field study on the effects of the concept of universal design on the design of educational buildings. Haliç University Levent, Sütlüce and Şişhane campuses were selected for investigation. This field study, the categories were determined by the Haliç University campus. The selected campuses were examined according to the determined area categories. Information about the university was obtained through observation and photography method. Common use areas of university campuses; photographs of university entrance, common areas / roads, building entrances, elevators, disabled wc and stairs are included. The university was photographed by the author to allow it to be evaluated in terms of accessibility and universal design. At the end of the study, a table was created in which the university spaces were evaluated together with the field study conducted within the scope of the research. The importance of developing suggestions for spreading universal design principles in the design of universities was emphasized. |