Solar Energy Recovery Analysis of Architectural Forms in the Context of Energy Efficient Design


Today, the relationship between sustainable energy production and building form has gained importance in architectural design. However, it is seen in the literature that the form parameter in building form studies aiming at energy efficient architectural design is handled with a few geometric forms. Accordingly, within the scope of the study, the form parameter, unlike other studies, was considered as geometric and organic architectural forms with the shaping approaches in architecture and was questioned in the context of solar energy gain. In the study, which aims to determine the architectural forms that provide maximum energy gain from the sun, reduce the heating load consumed in buildings and determine the optimum architectural forms in terms of heat energy gain, the solar incident analyzes of 12 architectural forms determined on the Ankara sample were made using the DesignBuilder simulation program. As a result, it has been observed that the curvilinear organic form buildings shaped by following the axis of motion of the sun horizontally and the angle of the sun with the earth vertically provide more solar energy gain.