Use of Multifunctional Furniture in Children's Library Interior Design


Children's books have an important place in the development of children's imagination and vocabulary. It is also important for children to examine books written and illustrated in different areas during their developmental processes in terms of the development of visual memory. In children's libraries, which are places where preschool and school-age children can find more book options, activities aimed at children can be carried out in addition to reading and borrowing books. Activities such as studying, accessing digital opportunities, reading hours, listening to stories, playing educational games and parents coming together are provided in these places. Children's furniture used in children's libraries should also have dimensions and features suitable for preschool and school-age children. Apart from these, seating areas should also be considered for adults. Multifunctional furniture, which is preferred in terms of efficient use of space, especially in small houses in big cities, is also used in children's libraries. These designs, which are obtained by using functions such as bookshelves, sitting or working together, which make the use of the space easier, increase circulation areas. In this research, multifunctional elements used in children's libraries are examined in terms of their formal and functional features.