Management of Risk for the Historic Environment From Mass Migration and Return Processes due to War/armed Conflict


A result of the significant increase in the frequency and magnitude of disasters occurring at the turn of the 21st century is severe damage to the cultural heritage. Particularly in the 1990s, the globalization movement rapidly increased the speed and capacity of information and communication technologies and thus impacted events all over the world. This study examined the effect, since the last quarter of the 20th century, of wars and armed conflicts on historical settlements, many of which that have been damaged or destroyed. and the effect of the mass migration by those affected by such conflict on the preservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. In addition, this study emphasized the importance of space-user association and discussed the effect of the loss of traditional knowledge, materials, practices, resources, and storytellers, and other similar losses, in the post-disaster recovery process in the context of migration-return, with the aim of identifying the protection problems that occur and developing suggestions for solutions through a methodology. When the information obtained in the research process is evaluated and converted into data, in the handling / examination of the subject; It has been observed that the impact of human-induced disasters on natural heritage on the cultural heritage in comparison with the normal immigration movements in the context of the size of the mass / mass migration. Along with this, the fact that the effects of economic, technological and other changes experienced in the last quarter of the 1900s on the processes and results of the researched subjects made this study work according to the time criteria. The mitigation of all negative situations caused by human-created disasters can only be possible if it includes the protection of cultural heritage; thus, disaster risk mitigation studies with a holistic approach, and proper risk management are necessary. Thus, the revival of the region and the continuity of culture by keeping the space by the original users will ensure cultural continuity. In order to create a solution model, areas / preliminary samples with and without temporal / periodic and effective similarities were researched primarily. The data obtained from the analyzed case studies provided the basis for the model proposal to be evaluated in order to reduce the risks in places that may or may experience similar risks that may arise during conflict / war processes.