A Model Proposal of “Rhizomatic Campus Settlement System" in the light of Hybrid "Third Space" Concept


The urban context and built enviroment have affected directy human behaviour and social interaction. The quality of urban space directs human actions and plays an important role in establishing social relations. University campuses, which are a part of the urban context, serve as settlement systems where various administrative or political decisions are applied with their spatial size, their location in the city, their isolated and common units. There is a spatial, social and cultural integration problem in the relations of the campuses and the city. Considering the university-city interaction, new campus systems need to be developed. The city universities have served as independent administrative and academic units within the city, could not find the possibility of spatial expansion. University cities have maintained their spatial borders as isolated areas from the social and cultural mechanism of the city. Urban campuses located in various points of the big city especially in Turkey, have tried to protect their borders under intense urbanization pressures, however, are forced to respond to new needs. Unlike the three campus models, proposed new campus model aims to establish new partnerships by combining global and local dynamics, and establish a dialogue with the local context, physical, social and cultural structure of the urban environment and neighborhood. A new spatial interaction system, defined as a rhizomatic campus settlement model consisting of hybrid “thirdspaces” creates new opportunities in spatial, social, cultural and academic aspects with their multiple spatial uses and spatial diversity with its permeable, semi-permeable and impermeable spatial organization.