A Study on the Ecological Furniture Design Process


Furniture has also developed along with the development process of humanity, and today it has become a socio-cultural symbol rather than just a necessity. In the world we live in, the consumption of world reserves has also increased along with the human population, and as a result, the reaction of the ecosystem has been encountered. Realizing that it cannot fight nature, mankind has started to cooperate with it and search for new production systems. The understanding of the importance of protecting ecological balances has also initiated the design process of today's ecological furniture. Ecological designs; While balancing the human-nature relationship by trying to protect the environment in its purest form as possible, on the other hand, they have become objects of communication by providing different opportunities to the designer in terms of aesthetics. Design criteria have changed in this direction, and the priority has begun to be determined as "ecology". When we look at the history of furniture, it is seen that furniture made in the early ages has a more advanced understanding in terms of ecological features than today. Today, apart from wood, there are technological materials that dissolve quickly in nature, do not emit poisonous gases to nature while decomposing, and whose essence is based on natural data, and these materials are processed, shaped and turned into ecological furniture. However, ensuring that these materials undergo technological processes during the production phase do not harm nature during the processing phase should be a prerequisite for them to be called “ecological”. In this research, ecological furniture types, new materials and production techniques will be examined in the context of design, together with the formation and development processes of ecological furniture.