Livable Design Values in Interior Design: The Case of Çapa Blood Donation Center Apheresis Unit
This study framing to understand the blood transfusion centers design as an approach to liveable spatial and to put forward to interior designs liveable values. The aim of this study is to indicate to health buildings interior design values and examine the relations of practice and theoretical knowledge to support the practice side of design. This article be formed as two part: literature reviews and case studies. Literature research will determine liveable design approach and liveability and also examine the value of liveable spatial, at this time key studies focus on the core of work liveable design values which will analyze it through the interior research project. Research’s theoretical part will support by interior design project of Istanbul Turkish Red Crescent Donation Center Apheresis Units. As a part of social responsibility project, it is aim to increase the donation of apheresis which is on application step. As a conclusion this study try to contribute to create new design values as a context of interior design discipline through the liveable spatial designs relations ,and develop a new method for design process and also develop a new design guide for blood centers design values. |