Player Experience in Digital Game Design: A Research on Player Preferences in Mobile Games


The experience of people in many areas has changed as mobile technologies have become important elements of social life. An important area of this change is the game sector. It seems that gaming practices are different from previous experiences and have been adapted to existing mobile technologies. The result is the emergence of a different gaming sector in which mobile gaming experiences are reshaped and the corresponding ecosystem of players. According to the player preferences, the new ecosystem forms the structure of mobile games, which are the products of mobile game world. In this context, it will be useful to examine concepts such as player experience and play ability and game play which affect this experience. In the present work,we examine in order to the concepts mentioned above and refer to the mobile players to better understand the preferences of gaming ecosystem. In light of the results obtained, we evaluate the present and future of the two main actors of the ecosystem (mobile games and mobile players) studided.