A Suggested Method for Spatial Quality Analysis in Historical Texture: Antalya Balbey District


One of the most basic needs of human beings is the need for shelter. Since the transition to settled life, this need has been met through housing. Today, extremely modern housing is built according to new construction techniques and offered to people, however, traditional housing that reveals the culture, material and construction technique of the period in which they were built as a cultural heritage of the society still continues to exist. This study examined and grouped the houses, which are obvious examples of traditional Turkish houses located on the original street texture in Balbey Neighborhood of Antalya province, according to internal and external change criteria with a determined method. The originality and conservation values ​​of the houses in the existing texture were determined and compared with each other. According to the evaluation results, the houses in Group A constitute the housing group with the highest originality value, while the houses in Group D constitute the housing group with the lowest originality value. This study can be considered as a model and can help determine the originality values ​​of the regions where traditional houses are located, as well as provide a basis for the conservation decisions of these regions.