Roles and Ethical Elements in Multidisciplinary Architectural Design Teams


In this study, ethical issues in teamwork are addressed based on observations and interviews conducted in a field study focusing on collaborations in contemporary architectural practices. The aim of the study is to reveal the ethical issues and types that team members, especially those specialized in digital technologies and their representations, may encounter and should take into consideration while making architectural design in a collaborative environment. Based on this, inferences are made about the ethical issues that artificial intelligence tools, which are increasingly taking place in multidisciplinary teams, may create. In today's teamwork, where the hierarchical structure is gradually decreasing and expertise is flexibly reshaped according to the project, the distribution of responsibilities and roles of the participants and their situations are addressed in terms of ethical elements. The increasing role of artificial intelligence and digital tools in multidisciplinary teams offers more efficient results with the contribution of stakeholders who have the skill set to use these technologies; however, this situation requires redefining the role of the architect in design and the boundaries of the copyright of the ideas produced.