The Use of Physical Environmental Parameters in Dynamic Exhibition Fashion Show Space Designs


It is known that there is a psychological effect in the perception of a space. In the process of space creation, besides the environment perceived by the senses, the influence of psychological experiences is great. Exhibition spaces can affect the user psychologically as well as watching and being informed. Exhibition spaces where objects or works are presented can be thought of as museums, galleries, fairs, shops and stages. Among them, on the border of fashion, there are fashion museums, shops, showcases and fashion show venues. Fashion shows, where the moment is kept alive with a moving presentation, can be defined as a dynamic exhibition space. The podiums where fashion shows are held, which we can accept within the exhibition space, can be shown as a good example of interaction with the brand. Because a momentary fiction is kept alive in the fashion show, the perceptual effect of the space can create a forward-looking impression in the communication with the brand. In the study, the venues of the fashion shows in the fashion sector are discussed by choosing the field survey research method. In creating a dynamic atmosphere, the expression creation effect of visual, auditory and olfactory features on the psychological bond institution was examined through physical environmental parameters. The relationship between exhibition techniques and environmental factors in the creation of the sensory perception of the fashion show venue is analyzed. Thus, it has been researched that physical environmental parameters, quality and quantity in fashion are included in fashion show space design with dynamic displays and sensory perception creation.