Examining the Effects of Line and Point Elements on 3D Perception in Interior Architecture Basic Design I Course


Point and line, one of the most basic elements of visual expression, is an important element of basic design education in Interior Architecture. As is known, the basic design course is referred to by similar names in different disciplines and seen as the first step of design education. The most important point that differs Interior Architecture from other similar disciplines is the need to allowing two-dimensional elements’ ratio to be increased to the third dimension. In this process, the points form lines, lines form surface and surfaces form volume. The point and line studies carried out in the first year of the basic design education of Interior Architecture departments constitute an important beginning to recognize the design components and to perceive these components in the third dimension. It is assumed that the perception of three dimensions is limited because students can get enrolled in the interior architecture departments degree program if they pass the entrance exam rather than the aptitude test. The fact that the students had not previously been educated on the development of their abilities in volume and drawing attests to this argument. In this study, how line and point studies being the first ones in the First Class Basic Design I course of Akdeniz University Interior Architecture Department develop students’ 3D perceptions will be evaluated and whether they associate their designs with basic design principles will be determined in accordance with their verbal communication skills.