Game Based Sketching Practices for Architectural Design Education
This study discusses the meaning of ‘sketch’ beyond drawing lines and theorizes it throughout several characteristics: ‘Descriptive language, unique character, collaboration, simple and practical skill, intuitive tool, endless design’. As an innovative and motivating way in design education field, this study develops six games for ‘sketch education’ and considers these characteristics to emphasize the strategy of them. The aim of this paper is to encourage architectural students to draw in an informal environment through the games based on the structural foundations of "sketch". The main goal of these games is to strengthen ‘hand-eye-mind’ coordination through social interaction in the way of design-learning. The games can be considered as training for developing and practicing ideas for design studios. By creating a social platform in the delivery of the thought, it is tried to gain a creative and flexible view by taking strategic decisions in limited time. The games are integrated with an elective course on sketching in architectural education. Every year they are regenerated in accordance with students’ contribution. The designed games in the context of this study may be helpful for design educators or researchers from other relevant disciplines in developing strategies in sketch teaching and learning. |