The Reflection of Art Movements to the Landscape Architecture


Landscape architecture progressed as garden art in historical time. While gardens had formed formal, symmetrical approaches until these times, formal approach changed with naturalistic art movement which was dominated especially Europe after 18th century and started to formed by the effect of other art movements. Modernism was pioneer movement for becoming artistic and cultural trend with modern idea from the mid 19th century. Cubism movement was accepted as the birth of modernism and found a place prominently in many field such as architecture, literature. Biomorphism that focused on the power of natural life and closeness to the organic forms came up at the beginning of 20th century and was adopted by some part of art nouveau designers. Modernism movement was started to be queried as the retrospective re-evaluation effort from the mid 20th century and postmodern movement showed itself as change effort.Art movements from 18th century to today have been effective in landscape architecture as in many areas. In this study, the effect of art movements on landscape architecture was examined and briefed knowledge about today’s contemporary landscape design approach.