Animation use as an educational material and animation techniques


The developments in technology affect the learning-teaching processes as it has been in every fields of life. Increase in the quantity of the information, complexity of the content, increase in the request of education, increase in the number of the students and requesting to benefit from the educational situations can be accepted as the basic reasons of using educational technologies at school. Educational technology provides meaningful learning by using more than one sense organ of the students. One of the most technological systems used in educational technology is computer which has been used as one of the most effective and individual communication device in education. The students can intensify the subjects they learnt by the help of computer supported education and can learn more effectively. The most important part of learning is provided by the lives gained by visual and audio ways. Only technology using has not been enough to increase the quality of the technology in education, the methods used in computer supported education are differentiated. Because of this reason, graphics, sound, shapes, PowerPoint, presentation and animation in education have been accepted as beneficial with the increase of sense organs participating in educational process. When the developments in educational technology and graphics design products have been mixed up, they serve for the development of potential learning and teaching. In other words, knowledge integration between the disciplines is provided by combining education and new Technologies. Animation production techniques have been explained in the frame of sustainability of animation usage in education in this research. It has been thought that this study will be beneficial for the researchers and appliers in the context of educational material and animation techniques.