The correlation between gender of the programmed addressee and the stylistic features of the commercial content
Commercial uses persuasion mechanism (Awdiejew, 2010). It is going to take some social influence that must allow for communication preferences of its recepients. Comparasion of commercials intended for men and this intended for women shows that it correlates with communication style features of this recepients groups. The paper presents the results of second part of a bigger exploration. The first part was contrentate on a linguistic persuasion in texts located on retail wrappings (Fleischer, 2010). It confirmed a correlation between sex of programmed recepient and a specific stylistic features of the text. The research shows that for women the most characteristic are interdependence, affinity for other people and feeleing, for men - especially hierarchy and action. The paper shows how this properties are realised in commercials. A specific commercial feature is a parallel between a verbal and a visual or a sonic part of release (Szczęsna, 2001). This different levels should communicate the same meaning. The paper concentrates on a verbal and visual aspects. |