The Evaluation of Street Rehabilitation Project Processes in the Case of Isparta Üzüm Bazaar
Isparta Üzüm Bazaar is a historically and culturally important bazaar located in the city center of Isparta. This area, which was declared an urban protected area in 1992, has faced various significant problems as a result of unconscious and unauthorized structural interventions. In this context, the process of improving the area aims to eliminate these problems and both protect the historical heritage and ensure integration with the present day. The basic elements of the rehabilitation project include restoration of the shops that make up the bazaar, infrastructure improvements and environmental arrangements, while these processes aim to improve the aesthetic and functional aspects of the bazaar. The restorations and infrastructure improvements have increased the quality of life in the region, but have also created various difficulties for tradesmen. Increasing real estate prices and rents have negatively affected small tradesmen in particular and have caused some businesses to close or move to other regions. In addition, it has been emphasized that environmental elements, social structure and economic activities should be taken into account in street rehabilitation projects. Rapid and unconscious rehabilitation processes have led to the emergence of some structural and functional problems. For example, the removal of the bazaar's upper cover has made the bazaar more open to climatic conditions and has negatively affected the circulation of the bazaar. Despite the improvements made in the bazaar, it is seen that some functional deficiencies continue. The lack of seating areas on the streets, the inadequacy of garbage bins and the shrinking areas of some shops are among the factors that make the activities of tradesmen difficult. In addition, there is still a need for improvement in street lighting. As a result, as seen in the Üzum Bazaar rehabilitation process, it has become clear that in addition to the aim of preserving and modernizing the historical values in the region, more measures should be taken to protect the tradesmen in rehabilitation projects. In addition, the preservation of the street identity and the active participation of the local people in these projects will increase the success of the rehabilitation process. |