The Determination of the Participation Levels of Historical Site Zoning Plan Targets; Ayazini Metropolis
The present study aimed to determine the participation levels of the visitors and local population in the targets of the Conservation Zoning Plan developed for Ayazini Metropolis on a land of 230000,00m2in Turkey, Afyonkarahisar province, İhsaniye district in 2017. Thus, face-to-face and online surveys were conducted with visitors and local population. First, factor analysis was conducted on the scale and 5 conceptual factors were determined based on the association between the variables. To determine the suitability of the scale for factor analysis, the Kaiser Meyer Olkin (KMO) coefficient was determined (.705) and Barlett sphericity test was conducted (x2:10902.117, df:4851, p = .000). Principal component analysis with varimax rotation was conducted, and factor loads lower than 0.33 were excluded. Thus, 30 out of 99 items with a factor load under 0.40 were excluded from the scale, and the scale was reduced to 69 items. The final survey form was applied to both groups and ANOVA test was conducted to determine whether there was a difference between these two groups at 95% significance level. It was concluded that there was a significant difference between the 2nd and 5th factor groups based on the statements of the local population and the visitors (p <0.05). In other words, there was a difference between the level of participation with the decisions on general environmental properties of the historic sites in the area and in the decisions on the streets, blocks, green spaces and open spaces. |