Empowering Architectural Design Education Through Cloud-Based Systems in Online Learning
This study investigates the integration of cloud-based systems in architectural design education, with a particular focus on the "Introduction to Architectural Design" course in the context of online learning. Utilizing real-world examples, student surveys, and a comprehensive literature review, the research identifies a specific gap concerning the use of cloud drive systems in architectural design studio education. The methodology includes the unique context of an earthquake, after which all universities were directed to transition to online learning by the central government, and the Coordinator's prior experience with online architectural education at the Covid-19 era. Findings reveal positive trends and minor technical concerns in the application of cloud computing in architectural design instruction. The discussion and conclusion emphasize the profound effect of cloud drive systems on architectural design teaching, revealing an exciting frontier with both opportunities and challenges. The study contributes valuable insights for future implementations and research, aligning with broader educational trends and underscoring the need for collaboration among various stakeholders. |