Design Guide for Reconstruction of Primary Education Structures in the Process Covid-19 Pandemic


Schools are nearly a living organism which supports future generations, abilities and leaders, and enables our communities to improve. Even though their major purpose is to provide students with a good education, school structures and campuses ensure a number of social duties and functions. While there are 18 million 241 thousand 881 students at the primary and secondary education level in Turkey in 2019-2020 school year, there are 1 million 117 thousand 686 teachers (Hürriyet,2020). Primary and secondary school buildings more than 68 thousand 589 in Turkey were closed during the pandemic, and all the students attended the educational activities from their homes (Hürriyet,2020). Educators’ continuation for teaching students was ensured by such innovations as distance education. However, the impediments to distance education have increased socio-economic inequalities. Access to distance education has become dependent on technological tools, including internet infrastructure ownership, computer-tablet availability. In some homes, students completed their schoolwork, sometimes sharing smart devices among siblings. The fact that students go to school does not only support their education but also improves them physically, mentally and socially. For all these reasons, it is crucial to start finding a way to reopen schools in a safe and measured way. Although distance education will continue in some way after the schools are reopened, getting back to the classroom (even in a limited way) is critical to the emotional and mental well-being of students. Even though the curriculum plays an important role in preparing children for success as adults, problem solving, coming together, communicating, producing collaborative work, social relationships and interpersonal experiences are also very important for childhood development. Many students missed reconnecting with their friends and teachers and sharing experiences such as classroom trips and graduation ceremonies. Reopening of schools under pandemic conditions is a difficult and complex decision that must be broken down into manageable pieces. Actions to be taken today in response to the COVID-19 pandemic will lay the groundwork for the proactive, long-term preparation needed to ensure that schools are resistive to future disasters and pandemics, including potential flu outbreaks. This study summarizes the findings on primary education structures and provides education authorities with insight and guidance on school reopening.