Borrowing from Animators: Introducing Animation Early in the Design Process in order to Better Represent Spatial Environments
Jeffrey Haase
volume: 1, issue: 4, Pages: 1-5, October 2013
Manuscript Type: Article
Manuscript Language: English
Abstract Download pdf file
Machinic Addiction
Jeff Brice
volume: 1, issue: 4, Pages: 6-17, October 2013
Symbol Interpretation in Visual Communication: Analyzing a Suprematist Panting “The Black Square” in terms of Intentionality
Algirdas Budrevicius
volume: 1, issue: 4, Pages: 18-29, October 2013
The British Bauhaus? JP Hully and an unwritten history of British Modernism
Tara Brabazon Steve Redhead
volume: 1, issue: 4, Pages: 30-56, October 2013