Online journal of Art and Design (OJAD), is aiming at sharing and disseminating art and design related innovations, ideas, research findings and advances throughout the world.  It is designating to host assortment of art and design related approaches, critiques and point of views.


The Journal is happy to welcome and introduce diversity of approaches: theoretical or practical. Moreover, scopes regarding the role and purpose of art and design, particularly the ones that question and even controvert values, both socially and culturally, presenting illustrated case studies, analyze and designate the past, present and future of certain art and design practices in all areas of art and design and occasionally thematic topics all comprise what OJAD is targeting at.


Online Journal of Art and Design is an open access quarterly published four times a year in the months of January, April, July and October, accepting articles in two languages; English and Turkish all of which will undergo a diligent inspection and double blind review by a group of internationally acknowledged reviewers. 


Best Wishes

Editorial Team



Sinematik İlhamın Grafik, Mimarlık ve Moda Tasarımı Eğitimine Etkisi: Soyut Kavramların Somut Çıktılara Dönüşümünde Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşımlar

Edibe Begum Ozeren     Bahar Sultan Qurraie                                    

Tasarım Süreci Uygulama Aşaması Disiplinler Arası Zaman Yönetim Model Kurgu Önerisi

Kadir Oz     Arzu Ozen Yavuz                                    

Contemporary Design Strategies and their Role in Enhancing the Functional and Aesthetic Values of Industrial Product

Wamedh Abdulkareem Muhsin                                        

The Light of Chinese Lacquerware - Dynastic Contribution and Exploration of Cultural Connotation

Rao DongYu     Azahar Bin Harun     Li YiXuan                                

References of Islamic Styles and their Reflections on the Design of Historical Interior Spaces

Wisam Hassan Hashim                                        

Study on the Fish Patterns of Rongjiang Miao Batiks

Yang Panpan     Zamrudin Bin Abdullah     Habibah Bt Abdul Jabbar                                

İç Mimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı Eğitimde 3d Yazıcının Rolü: Ölçekli Kent Mobilyası Örneği

Mustafa Umit Isbeceren     Serife Ebru Okuyucu                                    

The Determination of the Participation Levels of Historical Site Zoning Plan Targets; Ayazini Metropolis

Emine Tarakci Eren     Serap Yilmaz     Serife Ebru Okuyucu     Gamze Coban                            

Revitalization of the Port Areas with Sailing Sports: A Design Studio Practice

Sehriban Sahan     Sariyya Rahimbayli     Candan Kus Sahin     Busra Onay     Mert Akoglu                        

Basitliği Tasarlamak: Ürün Tasarımında Tutumluluk ve Basitlik Kavramı

Cinar Narter                                        

Evaluation of Architectural Programme Approaches through Competitions with the Scope of Future Housing

Sevgin Aysu Balkan     Berna Ustun                                    

Optimizing the Impact of Virtual Presence on Live Streaming Consumer Behavior

Deng Jing     Rosita Binti Mohd Tajuddin     Shaliza Mohd Shariff     Ren Benhui                            

Akşehir Kırsal Mahallelerinde Kerpiç Camilerde Ahşap Strüktürlü Çatı Döşemelerinin İrdelenmesi; Ortaköy ve Tipiköy Örnekleri

Selin Duran     Yesim Kamile Aktuglu                                    

Bir Geç Osmanlı-Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Aydınının Metinleri Üzerine İnceleme: Celal Esad Arseven’in Mimarlık Kitapları

Ali Degirmenci                                        

Designing Effective Presentation Boards in Industrial Design Education

Merve Sarisin Coskun                                        

Geleneksel Konut Mimarisinde Malzeme-Biçim İlişkisi ve Cephelere Etkisi

Birgul Cakiroglu     Reyhan Akat                                    

Mimari Akımlar ve Anlamsal Boyutuyla Merdiven

Nihan Canbakal Ataoglu                                        

A Comparative Schema Proposal for Three Siedlungen: Design for a New Living

Huma Tulce Uman                                        

Kolektif Bilinçaltından Ürün Tasarımına: Arketip Kullanımının Ürün Tasarımında Kullanıcı Deneyimi Üzerindeki Etkisi

Pinar Ozturk Demirtas                                        

Development of Integrating Design Value Product Culture Aesthetic Framework for Linxia Handicraft Toward Marketability

Douwenkun Jin     Hassan Alli     Irwan Syah Md Yusoff