The Journal accepts manuscripts submitted as e-mail attachments. All submissions must be sent to the Editor. No hard copy submission papers will be accepted. The manuscript must not have appeared in any other published form and must not be under consideration for publication. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for any material used in the manuscript.


1. The manuscript document should include an abstract of 150-200 words in a single paragraph, followed by 4 to 6 keywords.

2. Upon submission of an article, authors are supposed to include all figures and tables in the WORD file of the manuscript

3. The paper should be A4 format (21 x 29.7 cm). Left, right, top and bottom margins should be 2.5 cm each.
4. The whole text should be written with “Verdana”. 
5. Title should be 12-point, capitalize each word, 48pt line spacing (before title), left justified.
6. Font size throughout the paper should be 10-point in single space, and justified. 
7. Do not give page numbers nor headers nor footers for the paper. 
8. A blank line should be left after the title. Names of authors, affiliations and e-mails should be provided after the title.
9. Graphics and pictures should not exceed the given page margins, and should be prepared in pure black and white format. 
10. One blank line should be allowed between the components of the paper (i.e. introduction, methods and procedures, results, conclusion, references).

11. Main headings should be bold and capitalized.

12. The second level of headings should be title case and bold. The third level should be italicized and upper- and lower-case heading. 
13. For titles of tables, graphics and pictures, sentence case should be used. 
14. Texts used in Tables, graphics and pictures can be reduced to 6 pt if required. 
15. References should be at the end of the paper and should be listed alphabetically. References and citations within the text should be prepared in the APA format.

16. Footnotes are not allowed. 
17. Abbreviations should comply with the standard use. They should be given in full format at the first place they are used.
18. Full papers should be send by e-mail to the editor in chief. (